Gradually, more municipalities are choosing to undertake the long process of revitalization. In order to breathe new life into areas that have lost their original function, processes are initiated that encompass modernization, revalorization, or reconstruction – of buildings, historic sites, or even entire districts.
The revitalization project certainly won’t succeed without 3D visualizations, which are an integral part of it. 3D visualizations of revitalized areas allow for the presentation of all ideas for their development through virtual representation on a computer screen. Their aim is to showcase the concept, ideas, and innovations as attractively as possible.
Projekt rewitalizacji terenu z pewnością nie obroni się bez wizualizacji 3D, która stanowi jego integralną część. Wizualizacje 3D terenów podlegających rewitalizacji pozwalają na ukazanie wszystkich pomysłów na ich zagospodarowanie poprzez wirtualne odbicie na ekranie komputera. Ich celem jest jak najbardziej atrakcyjne pokazanie pomysłu, idei i innowacji.
The introduced transformations are directly aimed at improving the quality of life for the residents of the district. This is achieved not only by increasing the accessibility of various services and enhancing the quality and aesthetics of spatial development in the area but also by creating diverse recreational and leisure spaces in the immediate vicinity.
3D visualizations allow for the presentation of both a sample conceptual look of the public space revitalization during the tendering process and its use in public participation, such as in the development of the Municipal (Local) Revitalization Program. They also allow for showcasing the precise end result of the investment, enabling project verification and potential changes to be made at its preliminary stage.
The latest technological advancements in 3D graphic design enable the realization of ideas that have not yet been implemented but closely resemble actual spaces or objects. Such materials facilitate a fuller understanding of the spatial structure and the maximum utilization of the potential of the given area. The use of impressive “bird’s-eye view” shots ensures a professional appearance of the implementation, providing a completely new perspective on even well-known locations, cities, and areas.
The fundamental goal of revitalization is to stimulate social, economic, and cultural revival in degraded areas, as well as to enhance their tourism and cultural potential. That’s why cities renovate buildings, design pedestrian-friendly streets, enhance greenery, create new playgrounds, modernize or build new cultural institutions, and invest in sports infrastructure. Creating new high-quality spaces, appropriately scaled to human needs and featuring diverse building functions tailored to the residents’ requirements, forms the basis of urban planning concepts.